Time magazine released its annual list of the 100 Most Influential People, featuring individuals from various fields such as entertainment, politics, and sports. Dua Lipa graced the cover, with her bio penned by Patti Smith, praising Lipa’s boldness, playfulness, and advocacy for the oppressed. 21 Savage was recognized by Burna Boy, who admired his resilience and ability to defy constraints. Kylie Minogue made the list for creating a safe and inclusive space, according to Coldplay’s Chris Martin. Other notable musicians on the list include Jack Antonoff, Fantasia Barrino, Leslie Odom Jr., and James McBride.
Dua Lipa, 21 Savage, Kylie Minogue Among ‘100 Most Influential People’
Apr 17, 2024 | 7:00 PM